Qid Examcode Question Qimpath opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4 opt5 opt6 opt7 opt8 opt9 opt10 opt11 opt12 opt13 opt14 opt15 impath1 impath2 impath3 impath4 impath5 impath6 impath7 impath8 impath9 impath10 impath11 impath12 impath13 impath14 impath15 answers uanswer CR Edit Delete
39 1Z0-816 Given the declaration: @interface Resource { String name ( ) ; int priority ( ) default 0; } Examine this code fragment: /* Loc1 */ class ProcessOrders { ... } Which two annotations may be applied at Loc1 in the code fragment? (Choose two.) @Resource(priority=100) @Resource(priority=0) @Resource(name=“Customer1”, priority=100) @Resource(name=“Customer1”) @Resource 1,2 MC edit delete
38 1Z0-816 Given: 38-quejav2.png public String toString() { return String.valueOf(ALPHA.v); } public String toString() { return String.valueOf(Letter.values()[1]); } public String toString() { return String.valueOf(v); } String toString() { return “200”; } 3 SC edit delete
37 1Z0-816 Given: 37-quejav2.png “eeee dd+”th of”+ MMM yyyy” “eeee dd'th of' MMM yyyy” “eeee d+”th of”+ MMMM yyyy” “eeee d’th of’ MMMM yyyy” 2 SC edit delete
36 1Z0-816 Given : 36-quejav2.png QUALITY.A.ValueOf() A A.toString() QUALITY.A 2 SC edit delete
35 1Z0-816 Which interface in the java.util.function package can return a primitive type? ToDoubleFunction Supplier BiFunction LongConsumer 1 SC edit delete
34 1Z0-816 Given : 34-quejav2.png Orange Juice The compilation fails. Orange Juice Apple Pie Lemmon Ice Raspberry Tart The program prints nothing. 3 SC edit delete
33 1Z0-816 Which three annotation uses are valid? (Choose three.) Function func = (@NonNull x) −> x.toUpperCase(); var v = “Hello” + (@Interned) “World” Function func = (var @NonNull x) −> x.toUpperCase(); Function func = (@NonNull var x) −> x.toUpperCase(); var myString = (@NonNull String) str; var obj = new @Interned MyObject(); 1,3,6 SC edit delete
32 1Z0-816 A bookstore's sales are represented by a list of Sale objects populated with the name of the customer and the books they purchased. 32-quejav2.png A B C D 32-Ajav2ans.png 32-Bjav2ans.png 32-Cjav2ans.png 32-Djav2ans.png 3 SC edit delete
31 1Z0-816 Given: 31-quejav2.png Define the serialPersistentFields array field. Declare fields transient. Implement only readResolve to replace the instance with a serial proxy and not writeReplace. Make the class abstract. Implement only writeReplace to replace the instance with a serial proxy and not readResolve. 1,3 MC edit delete
30 1Z0-816 Which two statements set the default locale used for formatting numbers, currency, and percentages? (Choose two.) Locale.setDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT, “zh-CN”); Locale.setDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT, Locale.CANADA_FRENCH); Locale.setDefault(Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE); Locale.setDefault(“en_CA”); Locale.setDefault(“es”, Locale.US); 2,4 MC edit delete
29 1Z0-816 Given the code fragment: 29-quejav2.png java.lang.Runnable java.util.function.Predicate java.util.function.Predicate java.util.concurrent.Callable 4 SC edit delete
28 1Z0-816 Given : 28-quejav2.png Move the entire Student class declaration to a separate Java file, Student.java. Change line 2 to public Student(String classname). Change line 1 to public class Student {. Change line 3 to Student student = new Student(“Biology”);. Change line 1 to static class Student {. 2,4 MC edit delete
27 1Z0-816 Given: 27-quejav2.png The output will be exactly 2 1 3 4 5. The program prints 1 4 2 3, but the order is unpredictable. Replacing forEach() with forEachOrdered(), the program prints 2 1 3 4 5, but the order is unpredictable. Replacing forEach() with forEachOrdered(), the program prints 1 2 3 4 5. Replacing forEach() with forEachOrdered(), the program prints 2 1 3 4 5. 2,4 MC edit delete
26 1Z0-816 Given: 26-quejav2.png Change line 7 to return names.clone();. Change line 4 to this.names = names.clone();. Change the getNames() method name to get$Names(). Change line 6 to public synchronized String[] getNames() {. Change line 2 to private final String[] names;. Change line 3 to private Secret(String[] names) {. Change line 2 to protected volatile String[] names;. 5,6,7 MC edit delete
25 1Z0-816 Given: 25-quejav2.png [[A, B],[A, B]] An exception is thrown at run time. [[A, B], [A, B, C]] [[A, B, C], [A, B, C]] 2 SC edit delete
24 1Z0-816 Given: 24-quejav2.png before this object is deserialized after this object is deserialized before this object Is serialized The method is never called. after this object is serialized 2 SC edit delete
23 1Z0-816 Which is a proper JDBC URL? jdbe.mysql.com://localhost:3306/database http://localhost.mysql.com:3306/database http://localhost mysql.jdbc:3306/database jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database 4 SC edit delete
22 1Z0-816 A company has an existing sales application using a Java 8 jar file containing packages: 22-quejav2.png A B C D 22-Ajav2ans.png 22-Bjav2ans.png 22-Cjav2ans.png 22-Djav2ans.png 3 SC edit delete
21 1Z0-816 Which code is correct? Runnable r = “Message” −> System.out.println(); Runnable r = () −> System.out::print; Runnable r = () -> {System.out.println(“Message”);}; Runnable r = −> System.out.println(“Message”); Runnable r = {System.out.println(“Message”)}; 3 SC edit delete
20 1Z0-816 Given: 20-quejav2.png The compilation fails because there is no zero args constructor defined in class X. The compilation fails because either class X or class Y needs to implement the toString() method. The compilation fails because a final class cannot extend another class. The compilation succeeds. 2 SC edit delete
19 1Z0-816 Given : 19-quejav2.png A NullPointerException is thrown at run time. The compilation fails. 1 Null null 1 1 1 A ClassCastException is thrown at run time. 2 SC edit delete
18 1Z0-816 Given: 18-quejav2.png Insert Comparator on line 1. Insert public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) { return p1.name.compare(p2.name); } on line 2 Insert Comparator on line 1. Insert public int compareTo(Person person) { return person.name.compareTo(this.name); } on line 2. Insert Comparable on line 1. Insert public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) { return p1.name.compare(p2.name); } on line 2 Insert Comparator on line 1. Insert public int compare(Person person) { return person.name.compare(this.name); } on line 2. 2 SC edit delete
17 1Z0-816 Given : 17-quejav2.png The compilation fails. /u01/work/filestore.txt is not deleted. Exception /u01/work/filestore.txt is deleted. 1 SC edit delete
16 1Z0-816 Given: 16-quejav2.png @AuthorInfo (date="1-12020", comments={ null } ) public class Hello { public void func( ) { } } public class Hello { @AuthorInfo (date="1-1-2020. comments="Hello"); public void func ( ) { } } public class Hello { @Author Info public void func ( ) { } } @AuthorInfo (date="1-1-2020") public class Hello { public void func ( ) { } } public class Hello { @AuthorInfo (date="1-1-2020", author+"Gandhi", comments={ "word" }} public void func ( ) { } } 3,4 MC edit delete
15 1Z0-816 Given : 15-quejav2.png double totalSalary = list.stream().map(e −> e.getSalary() * ratio).reduce(bo).ifPresent (p −> p.doubleValue()); double totalSalary = list.stream().mapToDouble(e −> e.getSalary() * ratio).sum; double totalSalary = list.stream().map(Employee::getSalary * ratio).reduce(bo).orElse(0.0); double totalSalary = list.stream().mapToDouble(e −> e.getSalary() * ratio).reduce(starts, bo); 3 SC edit delete
14 1Z0-816 Given: 14-quejav2.png System.out is the standard output stream. The stream is open only when System.out is called. System.in cannot reassign the other stream. System.out is an instance of java.io.OutputStream by default. System.in is the standard input stream. The stream is already open. 4 SC edit delete
13 1Z0-816 Given: 13-quejav2.png Function function = String::toUpperCase; UnaryOperator function = s −> s.toUpperCase(); UnaryOperator function = String::toUpperCase; Function function = m −> m.toUpperCase(); 3 SC edit delete
12 1Z0-816 var numbers = List.of(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); You want to calculate the average of numbers. Which two codes will accomplish this? (Choose two.) double avg = numbers.stream().parallel().averagingDouble(a −> a); double avg = numbers.parallelStream().mapToInt (m −> m).average().getAsDouble(); double avg = numbers.stream().mapToInt (i −> i).average().parallel(); double avg = numbers.stream().average().getAsDouble(); double avg = numbers.stream().collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(n −> n)); 2,4 MC edit delete
11 1Z0-816 Given: 11-quejav2.png Replace public Color(int c) with private Color(int c). Replace int c; with private int c;. Replace int c; with private final int c;. Replace enum Color implements Serializable with public enum Color. Replace enum Color with public enum Color. 1 SC edit delete
10 1Z0-816 Given: 10-quejav2.png Hello.Greeting myG = new Hello.Greeting() myG.sayHi(); Hello myH = new Hello(); Hello.Greeting myG = myH.new Greeting(); myG.sayHi(); Hello myH = new Hello(); Hello.Greeting myG = myH.new Hello.Greeting(); myG.sayHi(); Hello myH = new Hello(); Greeting myG = new Greeting(); myG.sayHi (); 2 SC edit delete
9 1Z0-816 Which two are successful examples of autoboxing? (Choose two.) String a = “A”; Integer e = 5; Float g = Float.valueOf(null); Double d = 4; Long c = 23L; Float f = 6.0; 1,2 MC edit delete
8 1Z0-816 Given : 08-quejav2.png [Market Road, 1000] [Peter, 30, Market Road] [Peter, 25, null, 1000] An exception is thrown at run time. 4 SC edit delete
7 1Z0-816 Given : 07-quejav2.png change is required. Make the declaration of lock static. Replace the lock constructor call with new ReentrantLock (true). Move the declaration of lock inside the foo method. 3 SC edit delete
6 1Z0-816 Assuming the Widget class has a getPrice method, this code does not compile: 06-quejav2.png Replace line 5 with widgetStream.filter(a −> ((Widget)a).getPrice() > 20.00). Replace line 1 with List widgetStream = widgets.stream();. Replace line 5 with widgetStream.filter((Widget a) −> a.getPrice() > 20.00). Replace line 4 with Stream widgetStream = widgets.stream();. 1,4 MC edit delete
5 1Z0-816 Assume ds is a DataSource and the EMP table is defined appropriately. 05-quejav2.png inserts two rows (101, 'SMITH', 'HR') and (102, 'JONES', NULL) inserts two rows (101, 'SMITH', 'HR') and (102, 'JONES', 'HR') inserts one row (101, 'SMITH', 'HR') throws a SQLException 3 SC edit delete
4 1Z0-816 Given: 04-quejav2.png null A NoSuchElementException is thrown at run time. Duke NullPointerException is thrown at run time. 3 SC edit delete
3 1Z0-816 Given: 03-quejav2.png An IllegalThreadStateException is thrown at run time. Three threads are created. The compilation fails. Four threads are created. 1 SC edit delete
2 1Z0-816 Given: 02-quejav2.png private default void probeProcedure ( ) { System.out.println("Launch probe") ; System.out.println("Land on Asteroid"); } static void probeProcedure ( ) { System.out.println("Launch probe"); System.out.println("Land on Asteriod"); } private void probeProcedure ( ) { System.out.println("Launch probe"); System.out.println("Land on Asteriod"); } default void probe Procedure ( ) { System.out.println("Launch probe"); System.out.println("Land on Asteriod"); } 2 SC edit delete
1 1Z0-816 Given the declaration: 01-quejav2.png @Resource(priority=100) @Resource(priority=0) @Resource(name=“Customer1”, priority=100) @Resource(name=“Customer1”) @Resource 1,2 MC edit delete